mbbs in china with top medical universities in China
Best medical universities & colleges in China
IEC offers mbbs in china with top medical universities in China.
Zhejiang Medical University Home IEC offers mbbs in china with top medical universities in China. The best medical colleges in China for mbbs in English medium medical colleges and medical universities in China like China Medical University, Zhejiang Medical University & carribean medical schools. China Medical University IEC offers mbbs in china with top medical universities in China. The best medical colleges in China for mbbs in English medium medical colleges and medical universities in China like China Medical University, Zhejiang Medical University & carribean medical schools.   mbbs in china medical university
China Medical University, Zhejiang Medical University, mbbs in china with top medical universities in China. The best medical colleges in China for mbbs in English medium medical colleges and medical universities in China like China University, Zhejiang University & carribean medical schools, university of, seychelles, american institute of medicine.


About China Medical University

The China Medical University (CMU) was the first medical school established by the Chinese Communist Party. Its precursor was the Chinese Workers' - Peasants' Red Army Military Medical School and Chinese Workers' - Peasants' Red Army Health School which had been founded in Ruijin city, Jiangxi province, in 1931. After the Long March with the red army, it moved to Shanbei.

In 1940 comrade Mao Zedong proposed, and the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party approved, the name of the school being changed to China Medical University. In July 1946 the university was ordered to enter north-east China with the army and reached Xinshan city - now Hegang city - Heilongjiang province. In November/December 1948 the whole north-east of China was liberated and the university was ordered to move to Shenyang. In 1948 and 1949 it absorbed the medical school formerly operated by the (Japanese) South Manchurian Railway Company (the South Manchuria Medical College, later called the Shenyang Medical College which had opened in 1911) and the Mukden Medical College - sometimes spelled Moukden Medical College which had been founded in 1892, see below. Shortly before it was absorbed its name was change to Liaoning Medical College.

Language of Instruction

China Medical University has been having the instruction of their medical program and other programs in English and Chinese since 1978. The English faculty was started mainly for overseas Chinese students who wanted to study medicine in China, Since CMU is a leading university it attracts Chinese faculties who have studied overseas in English and also the ones who have worked abroad for a few years.
Moreover in purist of excellence and in tune with International faculty exchange program and student exchange program the faculties are sent abroad for training and to develop learning methodology and techniques, so we ensure that the program we offer is of higher quality and standing.

Why CMU ?

Since we are a reputed and top ranking University in China, we attract the best talents available in the country. As informed there are lots of faculties in our university, who have studied in Europe, USA or UK and those who have worked in the can speak English very well. More over as our University cooperate in students exchange program and faculty exchange program with universities from USA, UK and other countries so our faculty had a very good exposure to English program , English speaking students and International students.

CMU has

1. Indian curriculum in collaboration with International Syllabus for the medical program
2. Indian text books along with those of USA and UK editions
3. Will be arranging Indian cook for Indian students
4. Separate facilities for girls and Boys
5. Arranges for parents to visit the University.


This is a very important today for any medical student and any medical college taking student from India. Student went in large numbers to European countries like Russia Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Armenia to study medicine. They could not do well in their Screening Test Exam conducted by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and the students failed in mass. This is because the students had to study in a different system and the MCI had conducted the exam in the pattern based on the syllabus and system of India.

To solve this problem CMU has adapted MCI curriculum in collaboration with International Curriculum to keep its standards high. This is of greatest advantage to Indian students. All other universities claim to do so.but as a parent you need to check the following..

1. How long has the English medium being functioning
2. Has any graduate come out of English medium so far?
3. What is the success rate?
4. How many foreign students are there?
5. Has any international student got scholarship till now?


1. Academic year: From September 1 to July 30 of second year is one academic year.
2. Educational system: Bachelor's Degree: Five years;
3. Seven years program of clinical medicine (for Master's Degree);
4. Master's Degree: Three years;
5. Doctor's Degree: Three years;
6. Scholar: One year or two years;
Duration time of application:
From March 1 to June 30 each year.

In case you are interested in getting the application and brochure please Contact Us

Students from India can download the Application form from the Downloads Page and send it along with a DD for Rs.400/- to our admissions office all over India. (Please Visit Contact Us page to locate your neatest Regional Office)

Hostel & Safety

There are separate facilities for Boys and girls. Well appointed hostels with fully furnished, air conditioned rooms made for international students. Rooms are furnished with TV, Telephone, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Radiators, Air condition and other amenities.

The hostels are given good protection by security agencies and police booths in the University.


Students with 10+2 are eligible for the MBBS Program.
Minimum Percentage of marks is 60% aggregate in science subjects and 50 % in English Language

(Note: Minimum Percentage of marks for SC/ST students is 50%)

Advantages of CMU

1. The University ranks 4 th position among nearly 150 Medical Colleges in China.
2. The University offers the course in English medium since 1978 (27 Years).
3. 6,126 are professionals of different specialties.
4. 6,126 are professionals of different specialties.
5. 448 professors, 676 associate professors, 205 tutors for doctor students and 562 tutors for master students, 2 members of Evaluation Group of Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, 4 directors and 11 vice-directors, 50 members of Standing Committee.
6. 60 Committee members of national academic societies, such as Chinese Medical Society.
7. CMU has 28 colleges, faculties and sections with the total number of 20,287 registered students.
8. 5 broader disciplines of pedagogy, philosophy, natural science, medicine, management of CMU are authorized to grant degrees.
9. 43 disciplines (specialties) are authorized to grant doctor degrees and 55 are authorized to grant master degrees.
10. 11 specialties for undergraduates and 10specialties for higher professional techniques education.

Transfer Options

CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY also offers transfer options to students currently studying MBBS in other Medical Universities in China & other Countries.

Students currently studying in various Medical universities in China who wish to get transferred to CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY can contact us to know more details on that.

How to Apply?

Please buy the application form from the your nearest Regional Office of International Educational Consultants.

Fill in the application form and send it to the Indian Admissions office.

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Top 10 Medical Colleges in China.
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IEC offers mbbs in china with top medical universities in China. The best medical colleges in China for mbbs
 in English medium medical colleges and medical universities in China like China Medical University & Zhejiang.